Friday, October 9, 2015

What to Do with the Genital herpes symptoms that will not go away

Infected individuals may never have symptoms. And if they do, they could be very mild signs that they do not even notice. On a lighter note genital herpes symptoms could easily be mistaken for a skin irritation or an insect bite. Genital herpes is a Sexually Transmitted Disease caused by the herpes simplex viruses, Type 1 also called HSV-1 and Type 2 also known as HSV 2. Many people with genital herpes do not seek treatment because they are asymptomatic in other words, have mild symptoms and do not realize that anything is wrong As a matter of fact, results of a national study show that in United States of America, 1 out of 5 adolescents and adults have a genital HSV infection.

This causes a large proportion of global burden of ill-health because in the end only a small proportion of people may look for advice and avoid re-infection. Better still, other individuals who have the genital herpes symptoms may prefer to treat themselves using home remedies. The identification of infected people combined with rapid treatment will reduce the complications of the disease and minimize further transmission. After the virus is transmitted, most probably it will take 2 weeks for some people to realize while for others this will not be the case at all. HSV 1 can cause genital herpes but most commonly this type will cause fever blisters which in other words are mouth and lips blisters.

From the time a person notices signs of Genital herpes symptoms, they should avoid sexual exposure including oral and or anal. In addition the risk of transmission can be reduced by assisting in detection of infected partners. Genital herpes symptoms can be anything from muscle pains, swollen glands, fever, vaginal discharge. For some people they experience backaches and headaches. Worse still this comes with sores or blisters which in turn can cause a lot of agony and discomfort. Genital herpes symptoms which come in form of blisters and sores can be very painful sometimes.

There are various ways to suppress this discomfort; Keep the affected area clean and dry, by wearing loose fitting clothes, by soaking yourself in warm water, better still use a blow dryer with low heat to dry the affected area as opposed to a towel. Women are highly advised against douching. This is to mention just a few of home remedies. Let no one lie to you. Research has shown that there is no cure for genital herpes.

All is not lost though because we have a treatment called Anti viral therapy which is in tablet form. Antiviral can be used in two ways Episodic treatment –which is to shorten the time of each attack and Suppression therapy-which is for delaying frequent or severe attacks.

Genital Herpes Pictures not a sight to behold

Medical students and medical professionals are people we should remove our hats for. They are able to face the reality and look at what most of us would rather not. What am talking about here is the genital herpes pictures. Sometimes curiosity gets the better of us and we find ourselves scrolling to the last page where the pictures are.

But before you open the page, in most cases than not you will find a warning. Those who do, almost immediately feel a knot in there stomach and what follows after that is nausea. Its not a pleasing sight any time and if you are not ready, genital herpes pictures can blow your mind off and send your body into chills. For any medical student, who is eager to learn and progress in there career they do not find genital herpes pictures disturbing or rather upsetting. As a matter of fact you will find them examining the images with one hand while the other holds a plate of food. Genital herpes pictures can be found on the internet, but of course this images are not for everybody due to there unsightly nature.

Most websites will nevertheless just mention about it and then post the genital herpes pictures on their last page. In most cases this will come with a stern warning. Those of us who are driven by information thirst and can’t find genital herpes or related topics on the website, my advice to them would be going to the library or bookstore and finding books of which they have pictures too.

Medical journals are a good source also for genital herpes information and pictures can be found there as well. As I talked about it earlier, not all of us are strong enough to face this graphics at the click of a button. Therefore you only find genital herpes pictures posted at the last pages of a website to avoid an unprepared person hitting on it first thing when they visit the site.

Don’t give up as yet if you visit a website which you thought would solve your problem and doesn’t seem to give you answers. Try going down to the last page. Most likely you will find a link directing you to a more detailed page.

Why We Should Not Ignore Early Genital Warts Signs

There is one thing that my friend and I would rather not talk about in public; Early Genital Warts. This condition is very real, so real that over 80% of the adult population in the world has been affected by it in one way or another. Just because you avoid Early Genital Warts, it doesn't mean that it will go away. One thing is for sure; if you ignore early genital warts signs you could be doing an injustice to yourself and your partner. Some signs of genital warts actually manifest themselves in a peculiar way, you may never recognize them in time, but if there are early genital warts signs these should not go unheeded.

The advice of a physician should be sought as soon as possible; this is what my friend did. He did not take chances and I thank him for that even today. Genital warts infection is also referred to as HPV; this means Human Papilloma Virus for those who need to be specific. I used to believe that this virus is a form of herpes but later I came to realize that this is not true. Genital Warts infection and herpes are two separate infections, but both are definitely sexually transmitted diseases or STDs in short.

Early Genital warts are considered very contagious since they affect the moist tissues and are spread by direct skin to skin contact with an infected person. Contraction of the genital warts mostly happens during sexual intercourse that involves, the mouth, the anus, the penis and of course the vagina. Be warned though, that a person will also re-infect themselves on other parts of their body when they don’t remember to wash off their hands after coming into contact with the warts. The best thing to do is not to keep quiet about the early signs of genital warts. As much as one would feel so embarrassed to open up to their doctor about the problem, just take a step of courage and you could be saving yourself from further damage of a precious part of your body.

Human Papilloma Virus, also known as HPV which is linked to cervical cancer could get an opportunity to present itself if early Genital warts are left untreated. However since early genital warts may cause no symptoms to some people it increasingly becomes difficult for them to seek fast treatment There are some other signs that can be translated as early genital warts symptoms all the same. This could be, Bleeding during intercourse, a burning sensation or itching in the genital area, small red or pink flesh swellings which take the shape of a cauliflower, among others. If you suffer from any of the above, chances are, you could be having the HPV virus, and need to seek assistance so as to start treatment immediately.

Because of its highly contagious nature, sexual partners need not be left out since they too could be suffering in silence while they could be looking for medical attention to determine if they have genital Human Papilloma Virus. Having sexual relations with a partner who is infected with HPV does not necessarily mean that you will display early genital warts signs or symptoms immediately. Possibly, due to changes in the immune system for each individual, this can even be anything between 3weeks to a few years. Owing to this factor, it therefore becomes pretty difficult to know, how, when and from whom you contracted the disease from.

Take note, for those who have multiple sexual partners, chances of them displaying early genital warts symptoms are quite high and almost immediate. Don’t forget this also depends a lot on the condition of your health at the time you contracted the virus and also what type of HPV it is that you get.